Today i want to show you Lolliflash from ASUS which is can help you to make your job easier when taking picture on dark place .
i got this lolliflash on mid of Sept last year during Asus Zenfestival at Jakarta , so lets start to unboxing the package .
First time you open you will found this
- Box
- User guide
- 1 lolliflash
- 3 filter in white , blue and pink/purple
How did the lolliflash looks like ?
There is 2 light which have 3 different power , light medium and strong . On off button ( pic on middle ) also use for choose how strong your light will be, press 1 times to turn it on , press twice to use light mode and go on . on another side there is a place to charge the lolliflash, you can use your zenfone charger to charge it because they didnt add charger on package .
On below picture i try to show you how is the difference between light power , on left side is low light , middle is medium light dan right side is full power light . Hope you can see the different
How to charge it ?
when lolliflash didnt have enough battery , the full power level will not turn on , means only 2 different type you can use low and middle , how to charge it ?
Now , we will try one by one all the filter and let see how different the result
First i used white filter
now Blue filter
and the last is Pink/purple filter
Did you see the different ? to make easy , i put on same line
Did lolliflash can use on other phone ? yes , no need any special application just plug and turn on , your lolliflash was ready to use .
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