Believe some of you which have Zenfone 2, Zenfone 2E, Zenpad S 8.0, Zenfone Selfie, and Zenfone 2 Laser was receive any update from ASUS via OTA , sorry its not M its still L just adding some feature and unused application .
So the update is fix bugs according to Zentalk forum announcement from administrator
1.Improve system stability
2.Improve the stability of Camera
3.Fix SIM card can not use after MR4 upgrade.
4.Fix APN setting issue
5.Update mixer path files 20160304.
6.Add ZenChoice - Your All-in-One app solutions platform to enrich your device's functionality.
7.Add CM Security App – Protect your devices from virus, malicious ads, or spyware. Use CM Security for your premium protection.
8."Add Dr.Booster ( WW )
Smart and free game speed booster for a faster performance on ASUS mobile devices."
9.Bug fixes and performance improvements
also i got recent info regarding the update was adding some feature on camera , there was an option for barcode reader and panosphere so its good actually even not all people know how to used the panosphere mode .
and the last ? and the most of i cant find the answer WHY , asus change the booting image into racing car .. yes its racing car ..... its like 10 years old game phone actually didnt represent Asus i know, come on ASUS you can better than this and please do not add any unused application to our device , its only make our memory become full and make another job to uninstall or disable it
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